4 Summertime Furnace Care Tips To Remember

Summer's in full swing and chances are you're more concerned about your air conditioning than you are about your furnace. Nevertheless, it's never a good idea to neglect your furnace, especially for an entire season. There's so much that can be done right now to keep your furnace ready and able to tackle fall and winter temperatures. Read on to learn what you can do to keep your furnace in great shape throughout the summer and beyond.

Keep Your Furnace Clean

As you shut down your furnace for the summer, you should consider giving it a thorough cleaning inside and out. Dust and debris particles can accumulate throughout the furnace, leaving behind layers that can reduce your furnace's efficiency over time, as well as impact your indoor air quality. Dust buildup can also cause a burning odor whenever your furnace is turned back on.

Wipe down the exterior of your furnace with a soft, damp cloth and sweep or vacuum away any debris found around the bottom of the furnace. If you can gain access inside your furnace, it's also a good idea to clean the burners of soot buildup that could also cause performance issues.

Give It a Monthly Test Run

Letting your furnace sit dormant for months at a time might not be a good idea, especially as some parts may deteriorate due to extended periods of disuse. Instead, you should turn your furnace on at least once a month for a few minutes. A quick test run gives you an opportunity to inspect your furnace as it runs, making sure that it functions as it should.

Don't Forget to Change the Air Filter

A couple of things that many households forget to do is check and replace their air filter, more so if the furnace and air conditioner aren't integrated into a single air handler unit. Even when your furnace isn't being used, it's still passively collecting dust and debris from what little air moves through the unit during its dormancy. You should check the air filter on a monthly basis and replace it as needed.

Schedule Your Annual Check Now, Not Later

Keep in mind that the above tips only skim the surface of what's needed to keep your furnace going. You'll also need your HVAC technician to perform a comprehensive checkup that pinpoints and corrects underlying furnace issues. Not only is it easier to schedule your annual furnace checkup during the summer -- when demand for heating repairs is lowest -- but it also gives you more time to prepare your furnace for the upcoming fall and winter months.

For more information, contact your local home heating service
